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Showing posts from February, 2015

Fix Windows 8 tablet resolution too low, easy way.

Hello friends, Today I'm going to show you how my frustrations with my new winbook tw700, led me through countless hours of wonder and Google searches to no final results. (screen resolution too low to run this app.) Fix! (solved) Windows  8.1 is not so bad by my standards... but one quirk that I find with these tablets is that when I was trying to run some old school game and my tablet/system wound up unusable and stuck in a resolution way too small to run apps, including the display properties... after hours of googling for an answer and finding none I decided to hack it upon myself.... simple fix! How to recover your windows 8.1 tablet with resolution stuck too low.  at the start screen at least what you can see of it simply slide your finger from right to left on the right side of the screen. once you do this the little setting sidebar pops up you should still see the devices icon, select the devices icon and it will give you options, play, print, proj...